Seasonal Solidarity
As this term draws to an end and a well earned rest for all who work and study in schools the record number of local disputes and action ballots we have seen over recent months shows no sign of letting up.
If you do one thing for seasonal greetings make a it a solidarity message to those members on the picket line this week- it really does make a huge difference to those on strike knowing that others have heard about their fight and are standing with them in spirit.

Members were out again this week at Benson Primary in Birmingham agains oppressive management and working conditions. Send messages to: [email protected]

Members were joined on the picket line at South Chingford Foundation school in Waltham Forest this week by NEU General Secretary Daniel Kebede- who joined the Benson primary picket line via zoom link on his phone at the same time too. The fight is over cover, timetables and safety. Send messages to: [email protected] and [email protected]

Members at the three free school Canary Wharf College federation in Tower Hamlets, east London were out last week in a fight over working conditions and management style too. Send messages to [email protected]
Organise to win indicative ballot on funding and pay

The new year will get off to an urgent start as the clock starts ticking down to the launch of the national indicative ballot on funding and pay which starts in February.
If that ballot is successful NEU annual conference at the start of April will then vote on calling a national action ballot which would allow strikes this school year to win more money for schools and a proper pay rise for educators.
The government’s autumn budget contained not a penny extra for schools- and will herald a new period of austerity over the coming years, and as part of that mor ebelow inflation pay deals for teachers.
The poly crisis gripping our broken schools system is already at breaking point- and the new austerity will tip it over the edge in many areas.
If we don’t fight back we will see more crumbling schools, disastrous collapses in provision for the most vulnerable students, ever growing recruitment and retention crisis, and real job cuts in schools.
The key to winning the indicative ballot is preparing the ground in January. The timeline above is clear and welcome.
In every district and school plans should be put in place to ensure the meetings happen so we can deliver a whopping turnout and a huge yes vote for a fightback.
Palestine- as the horror grows build the movement

The horror in Gaza and the West Bank is getting worse by the day- as the Israeli army, armed and backed by their Western cheerleaders, unleash death and destruction.
That;’s why it is vital we keep up the pressure and build the movement. The last national gem has been followed by a raft of brilliant local protests and the new term kicks of with another day of workplaces action and solidarity on Monday 8 January.
Many schools have done things already- from selfies to cake sales and other fundraising activities for Palestine. We need more to do the same and find more ways to build the movement in our schools.
And on Saturday 13 January there will be another national demo in London. Let’s make our new year resolution simple- get our district banner and a delegation with it on that march for Palestine.
NEU call for Disabled Members to self identify
The NEU is asking all Disabled Members to self identify to improve organisation and campaigning both locally and nationally to win better rights and conditions.
Please watch and share this video with members locally which explains the issues and how members can self identify (confidentially) with the union.